The Backstory and the Beginning

Here we are at the beginning of the journey. Well. Technically the journey began a couple days ago. I’m just a little behind on setting this whole thing up.

So why are we here? Because I’m overweight and I need to lose the pounds. A couple years ago I started on this journey and successfully lost 20 pounds over the course of 2 years. And then I got lazy and depressed and gained them all back within about 8 months. So we’re trying again.

My last round of this boxing match, I simply just tracked my food using the MyFitnessPal app on my phone. Being conscious of what I ate really helped. I didn’t even stop eating the things I liked, like sugar and bread. I just ate less of it. It was great! Until I stopped keeping track…

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Hey y’all.


I already know what you’re thinking.

“Oh god. Another weightloss/fitness blog. Like we really need that.”

I know. I feel the same way.. But my hope is that by putting this out there in the world, I hold myself accountable for actually doing something this time. This is more for me than it is for you. No offense. But it’s not like anyone is reading this anyway.

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