Hey y’all.


I already know what you’re thinking.

“Oh god. Another weightloss/fitness blog. Like we really need that.”

I know. I feel the same way.. But my hope is that by putting this out there in the world, I hold myself accountable for actually doing something this time. This is more for me than it is for you. No offense. But it’s not like anyone is reading this anyway.

There won’t be any progress photos. At least not yet. I don’t feel comfortable enough in my own skin to share that with everyone. I don’t even want to see it. So I know you don’t.

This will be more of a place for me to share what I’m eating and what I’m feeling as I attempt to shed some of the weight I’ve been carrying for years. Don’t worry. I’m not going to dump some reality show sob-story background of why I’m fat on you. I just like food. And hate exercise. Sugar is my BFF and vegetables are my arch-nemesis. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out where the pounds came from.

So here we are. And here we go.

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